SLEEK cream contourkit dark💕

Hi dolls, 

So today I am back with another review for you and this time it is going to be about my favorite contourpalette at this moment 

This is the sleek cream contourkit in the colour dark. I won this palette from the sleek instagram page and I am totally in love. The palette has 6 colours in it and they are perfect for women of colour. 

This is the packaging of the palette, it’s sleek like all sleeks’ packaging. Nothing on it but the brand. The back on the other hand, has a lot of information and they named the colours. Not with an actual name, but with numbers.

So you can see that I got the dark palette and the ingredients of the formula. Standard information, blablabla. But as I said earlier, they named their colours wich I really like. 

Let’s get to swatching,yass💫

So these are the six colours swatched. They are named very easy, colour 1 is called 01, colour 2 is called 02 and further. As you maybe can see…they are  very very creamy and easy to blend. I absolutely love the formula of this palette. I use the first three colours to conceal my eyebrows, undereyes, chin and forhead and I use the last three colours to contour and to conceal above my eyebrows, because nobody likes those crazy halo eyebrows that you get from concealing above your brow with a colour that is too light🤗. 
I hope you liked this review on the sleek cream contourpalette. You can get this palette at beauty88nl , boozyshop and some other webshops for 13,99. What do you prefer, a cream contour or a powder contour? Let me know in the comments and I will see you in my next one💕

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